Natural Beauty

And fifth dimensional relationships

The role of spiritual beauty

What is spiritual beauty? What is beauty? Those questions are hard to answer. 

Beauty gives sense to physical reality. It is related to harmony and balance. It is often in moments of beauty that people feel their connection to the divine, to love.

How many times have the beauty of the sunset, of the star filled sky, of a piece of music and the smile of a baby inspired emotions of love and connectedness to each other and the all? Countless times. This is why beauty matters in spirituality, very much so. However, like many other things, the concept of beauty has been corrupted. In this article I will shed some light on this and on the unfortunate effects in your day to day life

Before reading any further please answer the following questions for yourself:

Do you think nature is beautiful?

Think of a few favorite things in nature that are beautiful to you.

Do you think animals are beautiful?

Search for a photo of an animal that you think is beautiful.

Please do this before your read any further. 

beautiful sunset red.jpg

What do you know about natural beauty?


These are our closest relatives without our cultural learning. The chimps pictured in the first photo are one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, genetically speaking. 

The second picture are humans that have not been influenced by our global culture and that live in close harmony with nature. 

This is the closest we can get to understanding what natural beauty looks like in our form. 

As you will immediately notice: it looks nothing like our physical beauty standards. This is not to say that these images should represent our ideal beauty standard. It is to illustrate what little we understand about “natural beauty”.

Fifth dimensional relationships

So you get the point: most of what you think you know about beauty is learned behaviour….Now what? Well actually for everyone on the spiritual path and especially for those opening up to their fifth dimensional self or unity consciousness, this particular program can create some havoc in your process.

For most individuals on the path of awakening, sooner or later an awakening mate will appear. In pretty much all cases that mate looks nothing like “your type”.
More often than not one of the two in the equation does not even feel sexual attraction. And more often than not this is due to learned preference.

If you have an inner dialogue that goes like: S/He has everything I am looking for in a partner, why can I not commit? Why do I feel something is missing? You might be with a person that is not sharing a soul link with you.

Instead if your inner dialogue goes like this: S/He is not my type, I don’t find them attractive/beautiful. S/He is too young, too old, the wrong gender, not educated enough or something along those lines. How did I end up with this person? Why is this person in my circle somehow? There is a chance you are being guided in a fifth dimensional partnership.

A lack of sexual attraction in one or both of the partners is very probable. This has everything to do with what you have learned to find attractive.

Please be aware of the fact that you have been bombarded with information and imagery to “educate” you on beauty and sexiness since a very young age. If you are a man this has been done purposefully with the intention to control you through one of your strongest urges.

It can be utilised to guide your opinion, make you buy stuff and make you hate. Aren’t you uncomfortable about that at all? The same mechanism has educated women to hate themselves, undervalue themselves and deny their inherent power, although most of that programming has been done without that immediate intent. If not entirely.

I see a reflection of the awakening on our planet in the emergence of appreciation of other versions of beauty. I personally enjoyed the Atlas of Beauty by Mihaela Noroc. 

In those pictures one can see something shining through. I am convinced that this is and will be the beauty standard: the extend to which the divine shines through. 

How much of the essence can be felt and experienced through the form, moment to moment?

Copyright Maartje Kreuzen 2018, sharing only with source