
And the story of the sheep in wolf’s clothes

In between working on the emerging divine feminine and feminine wounding, conscious kids and so much more my fascination with the story of Oskar Schindler remained.

I went deep into the energies surrounding it and ended up connecting Imbolc, today’s Moon, Nazi Germany, Donald Trump, Abrahamic Faiths, The Roman Empire, The awakening of the Divine Femminine, Brigid, Her Cross, The Swastika and my Grandfather all in the same healing potion. 

Below I will do my best to explain some of these connections and healing points. I will cut some corners so I can get this article out today because I believe this energy is collective in nature on a global scale and I am hoping it will give insight into whatever part of it is relevant to your own healing journey. 

The winner takes all

We all know by now that when a conflict or war is won the winning party also wins the right to write history, it wins the propaganda war. Telling complete history is starting to get popular with indigenous stories and other colonial history. It is not, however, very much allowed with Nazi history. 

When one tries to paint a less black and white picture about that story all alarm bells start to ring and people get scared because images of neo-nazi’s and skinheads and holocaust deniers pop up and make us retreat.

But, if we truly wish to heal this past and free the stuck energy that is held there we must. We have to find the light in the dark. Also because this stuck energy holds a part of the rebirth of the divine feminine and freedom from a system we are all starting to crack under.

When I work with souls that have history in Nazi Germany, as soldiers or otherwise, I often notice how they cannot look at themselves. People that have mental awareness about their relationship to  the Nazi story through parents or grandparents can often not look at movies or hear stories about that time. People that have no current link with the story have memories in their aura that show me only their feet or their legs, or just sound. They literally cannot face themselves in that time. And I gather from what I see around them what and who they have been. 

In the Netherland’s history teachings it is popular to show pupils how easy it is to be indoctrinated by a faulty regime, to create understanding for how it could happen. I find this very important work because it takes the stain out of judgment. I also think we are ready for the next step. Finding the light in the Nazi story, that made it so attractive and that has importance in and of itself.

Brigid’s cross



Today’s (31st January 2018) hyper important moon falls on the Pagan holiday of Imbolc. After Solstice/Yule where the light is born, it is now ready to shine in the world and fully return. This very strong day combines the energy of the full moon (blood, blue and super) and a lunar eclipse and the Pagan holiday. This is no coincidence and allows for great awakening. Although I do not believe any religion or doctrine will provide the answers during our global awakening I do think that our Pagan history hides wisdom that can be useful and has been repressed. Many interesting healers are working on this on a daily basis, grounding their work in pre-Christian wisdom. 

Perhaps you know that the Nazi philosophy was very interested in Paganism. It even tried to popularise Pagan holidays, initially by introducing many Pagan aspects to Christmas. There was no unity about these ideas in the party and the public did not catch on. Churches were a strong opposition to many Nazi ideas. 

The Swastika was part of this fascination as for the Nazis it symbolised the connection with the origins of the Ayran race. 

Undoubtedly the Swastika has been a very strong and important symbol over thousands of years, connecting the whole world in a story whose origins are lost. 

The church connected the goddess Brigid, who was celebrated on Imbolc, to a “holy” saint Brigid. The image above is Brigid’s cross; old and it’s story unsure. But it connects pre-Christian Europe to a cross that seems to be connected to the sun, the four directions. And therefore seems to be part of the same family as the Swastika. Both crosses tell stories about the sun, renewal and the endless circle of rebirth. 

A sheep in wolf’s clothes

Reading and learning more about the story of Oskar Schindler, some things started to clarify in my mind.  After a while I realised that Itzhak Stern (and in real life, Mietek Pemper, as well) have saved Schindler’s soul.

He was an active member of the Nazi party and a scrupulous business man. Through his work with these gentlemen he became motivated to save his Jewish workers which, spending all his money, he did. A due payment for a saved soul?

It was not his outstanding personality that guided him into the role of a hero. He could be a very unpleasant person and was a manipulator pur sang. His circumstances and personality traits just allowed him to bloom and shine in very dark circumstances. 

Circumstances often influence whether a certain personality blooms or not. When Trump became president there was this meme going around the internet:

“Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than ‘politics.’ They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away.”

Naomi Shulman

There is big healing to be done there. Who does or does not shine in certain circumstances does not necessarily depend on who is “good people”. Some character traits will allow you to shine and bloom in the circumstances that surround you other character traits will block you. The divide between good and bad becomes so blurred. 

Especially the souls who’s incarnations played the small roles or no role at all, but that had an inkling or feeling that what was going on was wrong, have a hard time finding forgiveness. 

The capacity to deny your emotions and work for a “greater good” and the loyalty to the group you belong to is what permitted for the corruption of many perpetrators. Personality traits that can be beautiful and helpful in other circumstances. 

Working through various personal and collective blocks I have been privileged to see and experience over two dozen of my “past lives”. I write past lives between quotation marks because putting them on a linear time line is a very limited point of view. The complexities of time and the consequences thereof are too much to include here. I will get into that in other articles. 

In those past lives I have never seen any life related to the second world war. But, in most individuals that are part of my soul group I have identified lives in the Nazi party that have left deep trauma. And I know that looking in that dark mirror is too much for many to face. I understand that the rise of neo-nazism and Donald Trump are strongly related to these unhealed wounds. 

You, we, us, the individuals with a certain level of awareness, will need to embrace the beauty of Nazism, Paganism, Pre-roman Europe and all that is connected. Because right now, souls incarnated in darker incarnations feel the pull of the light that Nazi story has and they embrace it’s darkness with the same enthusiasm.

The Nazi philosophy and back story was not all bad or all nonsense. No paradigm of identification is. There are always kernels of truth in even the most exaggerated stories of identification. But the winner takes all and the Nazi stories have been disposed of as a whole after the choices in the Third Reich took such horrifying turns. 

Schindler might have been attracted to the Nazi party because of it’s light or purely for opportunity or both and more. His circumstances offered him another opportunity to find his light, which he did. It cost him all his wealth and he won his soul and over a thousand human lives. 

Forgiveness, ultimately, means understanding. It means understanding the limitations and pain of the perpetrator. If you are a multi dimensional time traveller I encourage you to stand next to the souls of this era that had no such opportunity or made no such choice and lighten the awareness of what has come to pass.

The system

Nazism tried to bring out of the dark the light, beauty and knowledge that had been suppressed by Abrahamic faiths, The Roman Empire and other forces that we are only starting to identify and have their origin in the astral dimension. The beauty, knowledge, light and talent that is hidden in that black hole is necessary to free us from “the system” that feels so oppressive to many. If you have an interest in history you will know that the current organisation of our society is strongly rooted in the Roman Empire. And although our society has several benefits I know nobody with a deep passion for bureaucracy, one of the Roman Empire’s heritages. Hitler wanted a Third Reich, identifying the Roman empire as the first Reich and with that move, incorporating the astral energy he was trying to get rid of right into his new vision. With the terrible results we are now so aware of and bureaucracy one of their most efficient weapons in the holocaust. 

During the process I also found a document online that told the story about my grandfather, who, during the war and German occupation of The Netherlands continued to maintain, strengthen and forge bonds between Dutch and German people in his role as church minister. During occupation he travelled back and forth between Germany and Holland preaching in German churches and inviting German ministers to his church to underline that not the German people were the enemy but the regime that was in power. Always underlining the importance of humanity and respect for our fellow human no matter the personal cost. 

I would build on his legacy and dare to say that not even the Nazi regime and it’s theories are our enemy. Those tried to identify other enemies and shadow energies that have been present for thousands of years. In this endeavour they lost their way, projecting this shadow on a group of people and declaring the light of their own people, that they had felt repressed for so long, as superior. 

Of course this cannot work in the long run and it didn’t . But the dog did sniff a bone and we have yet to unearth it. Paganism is not better than Christianity. But somehow, some energy that is present in the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Chrisitianity, Islam) and that the Roman Empire carried and spread all over Europe, has suppressed the light that a certain soul group strongly identifies with and that needs to be acknowledged.

If you do this by celebrating Pagan holidays, forgiving and humanising nazi individuals or enjoying the swastika or Brigid’s cross as powerful, universal symbols does not really matter and is very personal. 

By no means do I think this article says all there is to say about this subject, nor do I think the healing, discovering and enlightenment of this subject has been completed. Therefore:

To be continued....

N.B. If you have difficulty finding light in things you mainly see as negative I encourage you to read my article “The parable of the coin”  for other mind bending examples and healing of duality.